Release 11.12 ("Hergest Ridge")

Selected bibliography

Your query: NGC 6749

Reference n. 1 (gc466)
AuthorRosino, L.; Ortolani, S.; Barbuy, B.; Bica, E.
Title NGC 6749: a metal-poor halo globular cluster in a disc field rich in Mira variables
AbstractWe present V, I photometry of the loose star cluster NGC 6749, and for the first time colour-magnitude diagrams are provided. We confirm that it is a globular cluster and its blue horizontal branch indicates that it is metal-poor. We derive...
JournalMNRAS, Volume 289, Issue 3, pp. 745-752
CM diagram
Year of publication:1997
Tags NGC 6749

Reference n. 2 (gc197)
Author Kaisler, D.; Harris, W. E.; McLaughlin, D. E.
Title Palomar 10 and NGC 6749: A Study in Contrasts
Journal Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v.109, p.920-926 (1997)
CM diagram
Year of publication:1997
Tags NGC 6749, cmd

Query processed at 01:38, 5th October

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