Release 11.12 ("Hergest Ridge")

Gclusters :: Bibliographic item "gc454"

Article ID: gc454
AuthorBarnard, E. E.
TitleSome abnormal stars in the cluster M13 in Hercules.
JournalAstrophysical Journal, 12, 176-181
Year of publication1900 (on gclusters from 2014-03-13 17:04:58 )
AbstractFor a long time I have been engaged in a micrometrical determination of the position of a number of the individual stars in the great globular clusters M3, M5, M13, M15 and M92. In this work several peculiarities have come up that have seemed of importance. The most striking of these is the fact that some of the stars in these clusters shine with a much bluer light than the great majority. This produces a most remarkable difference between their photographic and visual images...
TagsNGC 6205

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