Description of NGC 5024
Messier 53 (also known as M53, or NGC 5024) is a globular cluster in the Coma Berenices constellation.
It was discovered by Johann Elert Bode in 1775. M53 is one of the more outlying globular clusters, being about 60,000 light-years away from the Galactic Center, and almost the same distance (about 58,000 light-years) from the Solar system.
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Image of the cluster from the Digital Sky Survey
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NGC 5024
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C. Clement variables data SEDS data Google Sky Web Links for this cluster (1 link in the database at the moment)Users comments for this cluster (0 comments in the database at the moment)Selected biblio Paper n. 1
Wagner-Kaiser, R. et al. Bayesian Analysis of Two Stellar Populations in Galactic Globular Clusters. II. NGC 5024, NGC 5272, and NGC 6352 2016 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 826, Issue 1, article id. 42, 18 pp.(NGC 5024 NGC 5272 NGC 6352 ) Paper n. 2
Boberg, Owen M.; Friel, Eileen D.; Vesperini, Enrico Chemical Abundances in NGC 5024 (M53): A Mostly First Generation Globular Cluster 2016 , The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 824, Issue 1, 15 pp.(NGC 5024 ) Paper n. 3
Lamb, M. P.; Venn, K. A.; Shetrone, M. D.; Sakari, C. M.; Pritzl, B. J. Chemical abundances in the globular clusters NGC 5024 and NGC 5466 from optical and infrared spectroscopy 2015 , MNRAS, Volume 448, Issue 1, p.42-58(NGC 5024 NGC 5466 ) See all items
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