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Image of the cluster from the Digital Sky Survey |
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NGC 4372 |
ADS "Object Search"
| C. Clement variables data | SEDS data | Google Sky | Web Links for this cluster (0 links in the database at the moment) | Users comments for this cluster (0 comments in the database at the moment) | Selected biblio  | Paper n. 1 |
San Roman, I. et al. The Gaia-ESO Survey: Detailed abundances in the metal-poor globular cluster NGC 4372
2015, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 579, 14 pp. (NGC 4372 ) | Paper n. 2 |
Alcaino, Gonzalo; Liller, William; Alvarado, Franklin; Wenderoth, Erich BVRI CCD photometry of the metal-poor globular cluster NGC 4372 1991, Astronomical Journal, vol. 102, July 1991, p. 159 (NGC 4372 cmd ) | Paper n. 3 |
Alcaino, G. The globular cluster NGC 4372 1974, Astronomy and Astrophysics Suppl. 13, 345 (NGC 4372 cmd ) | See all items
(4 papers) :: Submit a paper |
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