Release 11.12 ("Hergest Ridge")

Gclusters :: most recent paper

Latest reference added in Gclusters (gc562)
AuthorNikitha, K. J. ; Vig, S.; Ghosh, S. K.
TitleStellar populations of the globular cluster NGC 5053 investigated using AstroSat-Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope
AbstractGlobular clusters (GCs), being old and densely packed, serve as ideal laboratories to test stellar evolution theories. Although there is enormous literature on GCs in optical bands, studies in the ultraviolet (UV) regime are sparse. In this work, we study the stellar populations of a metal-poor and a rather dispersed GC, NGC 5053, using the UV instrument of AstroSat, namely the Ultra Violet Imaging Telescope in three far-UV (F154W, F169M, F172M) and three near-UV (N219M, N245M, N263M) filters...
JournalMNRAS, Volume 514, Issue 4
Year of publication2022
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TagsNGC 5053

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