Release 11.12 ("Hergest Ridge")

Selected bibliography

Your query: NGC 6205

Reference n. 1 (gc561)
AuthorViolat-Bordonau, F.
Title Study of the variable stars V10 and C6 in Messier 13
AbstractWe have studied the variable star V10 and the new variable candidate C6 (announced in 2019), located in Messier 13, using the filtered CCD images -in the V band obtained in the campaigns of 2019, 2020 and 2021. We have previously determined...
JournalOpen European Journal on Variable Stars
Year of publication:2024
Tags NGC 6205

Reference n. 2 (gc491)
AuthorDalessandro, E.; Salaris, M.; Ferraro, F. R.; Mucciarelli, A.; Cassisi, S.
Title The horizontal branch in the UV colour-magnitude diagrams - II. The case of M3, M13 and M79
AbstractWe present a detailed comparison between far-ultraviolet (UV)/optical colour-magnitude diagrams obtained with high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope data and suitable theoretical models for three Galactic globular clusters: M3, M13 and M79....
JournalMNRAS, Volume 430, Issue 1, p.459-471
Year of publication:2013
Tags NGC 6205, NGC 5272, NGC 1904

Reference n. 3 (gc490)
AuthorSandquist, Eric L.; Gordon, Mark; Levine, Daniel; Bolte, Michael
Title A Re-evaluation of the Evolved Stars in the Globular Cluster M13
AbstractWe have analyzed photometry from space- and ground-based cameras to identify all bright red giant branch (RGB), horizontal branch (HB), and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars within 10' of the center of the globular cluster M13. We identif...
JournalThe Astronomical Journal, Volume 139, Issue 6, pp. 2374-2409
Year of publication:2010
Tags NGC 6205

Reference n. 4 (gc122)
AuthorCohen, Randi L. et al.
Title Globular Cluster Photometry with the Hubble Space Telescope.
VI.WF/PC-I Observations of the Stellar Populations in the Core of M13 (NGC 6205)
JournalAstronomical Journal v.113, p. 669-681
CM diagram
Year of publication:1997
Tags NGC 6205, cmd

Reference n. 5 (gc247)
AuthorForbes, D.; Dawson, P. C.
Title A photoelectric BVRI sequence in the field of the globular cluster NGC 6205 (M 13)
JournalPASP, vol. 98, p. 102, 103
Year of publication:1986
Tags NGC 6205

Reference n. 6 (gc454)
AuthorBarnard, E. E.
Title Some abnormal stars in the cluster M13 in Hercules.
AbstractFor a long time I have been engaged in a micrometrical determination of the position of a number of the individual stars in the great globular clusters M3, M5, M13, M15 and M92. In this work several peculiarities have come up that have seem...
JournalAstrophysical Journal, 12, 176-181
Year of publication:1900
Tags NGC 6205

Reference n. 7 (gc421)
AuthorHarrington, M. W.
Title On the structure of M13 Herculis
AbstractThe great cluster in Hercules has been frequently figured and always, with one exception, as a globular mass of stars much condensed in the center. Lord ROSSE's observers alone found it crossed by three dark rifts, as shown in Figure 1, whi...
JournalAstronomical Journal, vol. 7, iss. 164, p. 156-157
Year of publication:1886
Tags NGC 6205, history

Query processed at 12:50, 11th February

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