Release 11.12 ("Hergest Ridge")

Gclusters :: Bibliographic item "gc434"

Article ID: gc434
AuthorHarris, William E.
TitleA Catalog of Parameters for Globular Clusters in the Milky Way
JournalAstronomical Journal v.112, p.1487
Year of publication1996 (on gclusters from 2014-01-17 17:56:49 )
AbstractA database of parameters for globular star clusters in the Milky Way is described which is available in electronic form through the WorldWideWeb. The information in the catalog includes up-to-date measurements for cluster distance, reddening, luminosity, colors and spectral types, velocity, structural and dynamical parameters, horizontal branch morphology, metallicity, and other quantities. This catalog will be updated regularly and maintained in electronic form for widest possible accessibility.

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